Using categories to organize your Projects and Stories


You can group your Stories and featured Project Reports (see below) by combing your labels and other search criteria into pre-defined Categories. This way everyone in your organization can easily browse and consume research insights which are relevant to them and search them through in more focused way.

For further customization, you can add a headline to either Stories or Project section to help guide your colleagues.

While categories are available to anyone, only account administrators can create and manage them.

Creating categories

You can get started by clicking on the options menu, and entering the 'edit' mode:

From there you can define your categories by combining different criteria, including labels, type of the insight, and even match your stories or projects by matching full text search.

Once created and organized, your categories will be visible to everyone in your team, including read-only users.

To speed up browsing, you can switch the page from the card view, to the table view to have a better overview of available items:

Learn more about Projects and Stories.

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