Importing spreadsheets

Uploading your spreadsheet files is easy! You can import any survey result or a collection of feedback, where first row of the sheet represents questions or data about the answers, followed by rows of answers provided by a single customer.

 In order to process a spreadsheet in EnjoyHQ as smoothly as possible please make sure your read the guide below

Formulas and Functions: EnjoyHQ will try its best to parse your spreadsheet but formulas and functions won't be processed. Dynamically processing all the possible formulas/functions of a rich spreadsheet editor opens some security concerns and we want to make sure your data is safe. If this is an important feature please let us know so we can learn with you how to bring the most out of spreadsheet uploads.

Format requirements

EnjoyHQ can only import the first sheet of a spreadsheet file (Excel, Google Sheets) - if you need to import any other sheet, you'll have to export it to a separate file first.

Additionally, our importer assumes that the first row of a spreadsheet is the header row, followed by rows containing the data you want to import.

Example structure

Assuming the following structure:




More tags

Number of customers



very well

feature request




not so great


bad experience




Assuming that the following mapping is used (read below about mappings):

- Feedback column - content

- Email - customer: email

- Tags - tags

- More tags - tags

- Number of customers - customer property: text

- Role - customer property: text

- Rating - document property: text

You will end up with two documents with the content of the feedback and rating columns, tags assigned from "tags" and "more tags" columns as well as a "rating" property assigned. We will also link customer profiles of 2 users with selected emails and properties from the "number of customers" and "role" colums.

Let's go through the process, step by step:

  1. Select a Spreadsheet

You can upload your file from the search area and in any given project:

EnjoyHQ accepts the following formats: csv, xls, xlxs, as well as pulling in any surveys you have in Google Drive, Dropbox, One Drive & Box.

We recommend when uploading spreadsheets from your desktop to save them as csv files when possible to minimize any issues.

  1. Select and map the columns you want to upload

    In this step you can select which columns should be imported. At least one column has to be marked as Content. If you're planning to import user properties a column mapped as Email has to be selected!

Column mapping types

You will be asked to map each column of your spreadsheet. These are the options:

  • Content - The content of each cell in that column will be imported and visible in a document in EnjoyHQ. You will be able to preview the document before importing your sheet.
  • Sentiment/NPS Score - The score will become the new sentiment of the document.
  • Created At - This value becomes the document date in EnjoyHQ, represents when the feedback was given
  • Tags - Will turn this values into tags for the content imported. If tags are separated by commas it will turn them into separate tags, otherwise, the whole value will be used.
  • Properties - Any values mapped as properties will be visible in the document sidebar, along with the rest of the classification data. Good candidates are survey questions with a fixed set of answers.
  • Email - Creates a customer profile and associates it with the content you are importing
  • Customer data: Here, you can map different information about the respondent or customers, information like email, company name and custom properties etc.
  1. Preview and confirm your mapping

    Once you select your columns and their mappings, select the Validate option - EnjoyHQ will check your mapping against the content of the spreadsheet and let you know about any potential issues with your data:

NPS: Use the "Sentiment/NPS Score" option only if you have a column of Net Promoter Scores ranging from 1-10. This will become the sentiment of each imported document.
'created at', 'sentiment' and 'email' options can only be used once. Content, Properties and Tags can be used multiple times.

Example of validation warnings:

In this step, you can either continue with the process and see the preview, or abort and tweak the data in your original spreadsheet file

  1. Preview and confirm

The preview step shows how the mapped data will look like after importing - including document content and customer profile (if selected):

If a given spreadsheet row is missing a valid email field, the customer profile will not be imported!

You can also Tag all your documents and add them to Projects. If you're happy with the setup, you can finish the process by clicking the Import button.

EnjoyHQ will now split each row of your spreadsheet and transform it into individual documents according to your mapping.

How is the spreadsheet data represented?

This is how your data is going to be represented in EnjoyHQ:

All columns mapped as Content will become a part of the document's content. If any of the columns were mapped as document text properties - the import process will import them as properties attached to the document as well as inject them into the document's content - this is especially handy for multiple choice questions with text, when importing survey results.

All documents can be edited after importing, if you want to fix any typos or add extra context.

Invalid values

When mapping columns to different types we check if selected values can be used as valid data.If we detect that something is not right, you can still carry on with the import and we will fill in missing data so that your import can be successful.

Depending on the type of mapping we will use the following fallbacks in the resulting documents. If a valid value is detected it will be used.

  • if a column is mapped as content and a cell with empty content is found EnjoyHQ will skip that cell -  if all cells in a row are empty, EnjoyHQ will skip that row completely and not create a document out of it
  • if a column is mapped as "email" and a cell with an invalid email is found EnjoyHQ will not set the email in the resulting document
  • if a column is mapped as "created at" and a cell with an invalid creation time is found EnjoyHQ will fall back to a time as the creation date of that document
  • if a column is mapped as "sentiment" and a cell with invalid sentiment is found EnjoyHQ will fall back to setting neutral sentiment in the resulting document
  • if a column is mapped as "tags" and a cell with invalid tags is found EnjoyHQ will not set any tags in the resulting document
  • if a column is mapped as "properties" and a cell with invalid properties is found EnjoyHQ will not add that metadata key to the resulting document or customer profile

In most cases "invalid" means empty cell, EnjoyHQ also checks if values are valid dates and emails respectively.

Importing customer data only

You can import only the customer data from a spreadsheet - learn more here.

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