Import your taxonomy via spreadsheet upload

Usually, when importing a spreadsheet - you have the ability to import written feedback as well tags and properties associated with that feedback. While we do not directly support importing only tags and properties without feedback associated with it, you can use the spreadsheet importer to upload your taxonomy; it requires a simple step to prepare your spreadsheet before uploading.

Here are the steps:

  1. Make sure you spreadsheet has the right format. Make a copy of this template and create your own.
  2. In your spreadsheet add the "content" column and fill all rows with anything, it can be just the word "Bananas"

In general, your spreadsheet should look like this:


Property name 1

Property name 1


Property name 2

Property name 3

Property name 2

Tag 1, another tag, tag 3, more tags

Property 1 value 1

Property 1 value 2

Do not delete me

Property 2 value 1

Property 3 value 1

Property 2 value 3

To import tags: specify list of tag, separated by a comma (,)

To import properties: each column name should map to a property name, and the 1st row of values maps to that property's value. If you need to import more property values with the same name, just add another column with exactly the same property name. Rinse and repeat.

Once you have you spreadsheet, you can now import it using our importer and make sure you map each column accordingly (tags, property etc)

You can ignore the warning about the missing "created at" field - we won't need it as we will discard all of the document data in the final step.

Once the import is done, you're done - you'll end up with one document in the global search and one entry in the uploads manager. Do not delete it, until all imported tags and properties are used in at least one other document.

You can see resulting tags in the document:

Tags in the tag manager:

And properties in the properties manager:

Happy importing!

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